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Case studies:


The client 

DECIEM is the home of beauty brands like NIOD, Hylamide, and The Ordinary, and they hope to inspire a better world of beauty through kindness, honesty, and innovative technology.

DECIEM hire for warehousing and logistics staff to assist in their Port Melbourne warehouse with e-commence and wholesale, and day-to-day operations. Using Sidekicker as their sole warehouse staffing agency, they have 3-5 Sidekicks onsite at any given day, and triple their casual staffing during busy periods such as Black Friday. 

Elena Ure, the E-commence Operations Manager at DECIEM has been happy with the solutions Sidekicker has provided for their casual staffing challenges. 

The challenges

Ability to keep up with demand

Elena describes that the demand for DECIEM products began to grow significantly during the pandemic, which is a good problem to have.

 However, their small internal team was struggling keeping up with the orders to get them out of the door in the required timeframe, and a few extra pairs of hands were definitely needed to help during busy periods. 

No streamlined process for casual staffing

Casual staffing can come with a few extra tasks and responsibilities, and without a streamlined process for their casual staffing, this added an additional layer of complexity to already hectic operations. 

This made DECIEM to make the decision that a warehouse staffing agency is needed to ease the casual staffing process for their internal staff. 

“Sidekicker was a great solution to that, having a number of extra hands available during those busy periods was really needed.”

The solution

Easy staffing platform

DECIEM said goodbye to staffing challenges when adopting the Sidekicker platform back in 2019, and they appreciate the ease of hiring as well as finding the workers that suit their needs. 

With the transparent and easy-to-use platform, they have the tools they need to make informed hiring decisions, and let Sidekicker deal with the worker compliance and payroll processes. 

“I have found the most useful features of the platform is ease of posting jobs, the reliability scores to ensure we are hiring people who we can rely upon, as well as being able to hire over longer periods of time when needed for our long promotional periods.”
Regular pool of casuals

One of the main benefits of Sidekicker for DECIEM is the reliable regular workers they’ve found, who are ready to jump in when needed without having to train them on the onsite operations again. 

“We have found some great workers that have become regular help for us and now know our processes which is great to have people available who know what we need from them.”

The results

The results speak for themselves, and really highlight how Sidekicker has been able to provide DECIEM with high quality reliable workers. 

  • The shift fulfillment rate from the past 12 months is 93%
  • Average star rating given to Sidekicks is 5/5 stars
  • Sidekick no show rate is 0%
“I have found the most positive impact of Sidekicker to be in general having extra help when needed, I have found most workers to be reliable and hardworking.”